Sunday, July 19, 2009

Labor Story

I had my sweet little Leo baby on the 4th of July. I had a feeling he was going to come a little early because i had already been to labor and delivery a few times with false labor. I felt stupid because it was the same thing each time i went. The nurse would say "sorry, i don't think you're going to have this baby today" I was having contractions but wasn't dilating past a 2. On Friday night July 3rd Rhett and I decided to have a fun date night since we knew it could be the last one for a little while. We went to dinner and a movie and had a lot of fun. Early Saturday morning around 4:00am i started having really bad contractions. I knew they had to be the real thing but i doubted myself because i really didn't want to go to labor and delivery again just to be told the same thing and sent home. Well around 5 i woke Rhett up and told him that i thought we needed to time them. They were coming about every 6 minutes and lasting about a minute or longer. We hurried and got our stuff and headed to the hospital in Provo (about a 30 minute drive) When we arrived there was a police officer waiting at the hospital entrance to make sure we weren't going to just be parking there just for the parade that morning. After he saw that we really were there to go to the hospital and not the parade we were allowed to park, haha. We were there a couple of hours while they monitored me to see if i would dilate anymore. Sure enough i was at a 3 but wasn't dilating. I was in a lot of pain and was so worried they were going to send me home. After they called my doctor he said "Lets get that baby delivered" I was so excited. I guess my blood pressure was really high and they didn't want it to go any higher so they decided to induce me. They started me on potocin and the doctor on call came in and broke my water. After they broke my water i was in the most pain i have ever felt in my entire life, seriously i thought possibly i was going to die (okay a little dramatic, but it really hurt) they hurried and got me my epidural and i was a happy girl. After it started working i had hope that maybe it was going to be a good experience after all. Everything happened so fast, all within an hour i had potocin, broke my water, and had my epidural. That was around 9:00am. Around 12:30 i was told that i was at a 10 and that Dr. Nance would be there soon and i would start pushing. Dr. Nance arrived around 12:45ish and my sweet baby boy was born at 1:01 pm. I had a really awesome labor. I pushed for maybe 10 minutes and he was here. I will never forget what an amazing experience it was. It was one of the best days of my life. Hearing that little cry for the first time still makes me tear up thinking about it. I loved my Doctor and my delivery nurse. Rhett and i are so greatful he is here and is a healthy little boy. Here are a couple of pictures. My sweet baby just a few minutes old. The one of me is right after i delivered so its a little scary...:)


Nick and Amera said...

Your story is VERY VERY SIMILAR to mine!!! Even the timing and everythign...... so cool. And I hear ya about the pain, you feel like your dying! hahah (exaggerating but still.....) Im so glad thigns went well. His pictures are beautiful and he is such a precious little boy! congrats!!!!!

The Raney's said...

Thank you for sharing! I think you look beautiful! You are a glowing little mom. Congratulations on little Leo!!!