Okay, really these past few months have gone by way to fast. Leo just turned 7 months. We took him to the doctor a little while ago and he now weighs a whoopin 19 1\2 pounds ( my little butterball) he is in the 75% for weight and is in the 90% for height. He is a very healthy baby. Here are some things about our love bug that i want to remember.
-He is sitting all by himself (has been for a little bit now)
-He has 2 teeth on his bottom (he has 2 more on his bottom and 2 on the top coming through)
-He talks so much. He says da da da da da a lot
-He LOVES sweet potatoes and pears. Those are his favorite at the moment. He really isn't a picky eater but he's not a fan of green beans or peas (must be the color)
-He really likes his bouncer toy
-He loves when you read him books
-He is always trying to get in a standing position. If you grab his hands he will always stand up
-If i say "give me kisses" he will grab my cheeks and give me a big open mouth kiss ( I love when he gives me kisses its so sweet)
-I love to kiss him all day long (who wouldn't want to kiss those adorable chubby cheeks)
-He is such a thinker. You can tell he is always thinking about everything, like he is trying to figure it out.
-He LOVES his daddy. Rhett can always get such a big smile out of him just by looking at him.
-He loves when you sing to him. His favorite song of all time is Give said the little stream. He could be crying and and soon as you start to sing that song his little face lights up. So Cute!
-He now throws little fits when he doesn't get something he wants or if you take something away from him (i think we in trouble)
We just love this little boy so much. He brings so much joy into our family. I can't imagine our life without him.
Oh my gosh!! I can't believe how stinking cute that baby is! He keeps getting cuter and cuter! I love the pictures of him sitting up! He is getting so big!
He is such a little stud!!! I don't know where the time goes????
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